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Term 4

Term 4

Topic: This term our topic is Alchemy Island.


It's time to suspend your disbelief and open your mind. We're going on a magical journey to Alchemy Island!


Can you find the gold hidden deep within the Island's mysterious landscape? The only way is to study the map, unravel the riddle and begin your adventure.


On the way, you must do all you can to learn about gold and master the ancient art of alchemy.  Be creative and try to impress the Island's team of ace alchemists! What properties do the materials from different parts of the island have? Can they be changed or is the alchemy irreversible?


English: This term we are beginning by looking at fascinating story of 'The Man Who Walked Between The Towers' by Mordicai Gerstein. The children will be writing a report, a letter, and a piece of persuasive writing. They will then move on to an exciting fantasy story called 'Malamander' by Thomas Taylor.


Maths: This term maths is all about fractions! We will be converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers, and vice versa, ordering and comparing fractions, and learning about the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages.

Science - We used different methods to separate mixtures.

Topic/DT - To conclude our Alchemy Island topic, we designed and constructed our own volcanic islands. After Easter. we will paint these and erupt our volcanoes!
