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Term 2



Thank you for all your feed back from class councils this week. Dmitrij and Sangeda will be talking to Mr Rapps about the following issues raised.


  • Can we have the windows cleaned?
  • KS1 girl’s toilets often have no paper towels.
  • There are never enough lollies for attendance!!!
  • Can KS2 children have a prayer room?
  • Can KS2 have a timetable for football?
  • We would like to have shoulder bag book bags as well.
  • Can we have an exercise area in the playground?
  • Can we have a rock climbing wall? (sideways)
  • KS2 girl’s toilets often have no toilet tissue.
  • YR5 and lunchtime ticks (Sangeda to discuss)
  • Dinner ladies are eating the school lunches with their hands and then serving from the same tray of food to children.


This week your School Council representaives will be reading you our letter back fromMr Rapps and asking you to give suggestions for new play equipment for the playground and prizes for lunchtime superstars.





Thank you for all your class council feedback. Your school Council representatives have a letter to read to you from Mr Rapps in regards to our concerns from the last School Council meeting.


This is what we will be talking to Mr Rapps about from Class Councils:

  • Can we have ribbons again and more play equipment in the playground?
  • KS1 children are tripping over the thick lines on the playground.
  • Pot holes are filling up with water and children a splashing in them. Can Pete fill these for us?
  • The doors are heavy in the new building.
  • Problems with not enough space for coats on pegs. Can we have lockers or more pegs outside the KS2 classrooms?

We will also be...

  •  Talking to Mrs James about the mess that children are leaving on the dining hall floor.
  • Asking Mr Stevens if we can have new goal keeper gloves for the bottom playground.


This half term we will be organizing a film night to raise money for Refugee Action.
