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Bright Lights Big City

We hope you are all feeling refreshed after the holidays!


I am so excited to be teaching you all about London this term, and the Great Fire of 1666.


In English we are going to be starting our new topic by learning all about our Queen, we will even be inviting her to a tea party, do you think she will come?

We will move onto learning about the Great Fire of London, looking at what it was, what caused the fire and then we will be writing a diary as if we were in London when the fire happened. We will finish the term by making bread and writing the instructions for this.


In maths we will be looking at and building upon our number knowledge, sequencing and ordering numbers, number bonds to 20 and the related subtraction facts. We will also build on our money knowledge and make amounts using the coins we know. 


In Science we will be learning about materials and their properties and in topic lessons we will be making some transport with wheels, planning, making and then evaluating our work.








Our homework projects.

Wow, what a lovely morning we had having a tea party with the Queen. We sang, we danced and we had cake and biscuits.

We sang the National Amthem to the Queen.

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This week in maths we are learning about money and using different coins to make the same amount.

We tried out different drama strategies in English this week.

Thomas Farriner walking down conscience alley.

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Paining our London transport, ready for the wheels next week.

Today in PSHE we learnt the importance of saying nice things to our friends. We now know if we say unkind things this hurts the person on the inside.

Our cards are ready to post!

This week we have been making bread, it was delicious!

We had a lovely day making crowns, flags and Queen pictures. We then enjoyed our picnic on the field.
