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Spring 1 - Towers, Tunnels and Turrets!


This half term our topic is 'Towers, Tunnels and Turrets'. We will be learning all about Castles and why they are important. After learning all about castles we will be writing a non-chronological report to tell people about all the information we have learned. We will also be reading one of Miss Rowley's favourite books called 'The Tunnel', making inferences about the characters based on what they say and do and also making predictions. In topic we will be learning about Princess Diana and the history of Althorp House and how this links to our school. Keep an eye on our page to see all the exciting things we get up to. Make sure you ask a member of Cherry Class to tell you about everything they have learned!




This half term we are going to be reading 'The Tunnel' by Anthony Browne. Keep an eye on our page to see how we enjoy it!


We have really enjoyed starting to read our story 'The Tunnel' by Anthony Browne. In class we did sculpting, and thought tapping, getting us to think about how the little girl would be feeling as she was getting ready to follow her brother through. We also made predictions about whether the little girl would follow her brother, based upon what we know about her character already.

As we read further, we saw where the little girl ended up! We stepped into the picture, and did a guided tour of the forest, thinking about how we could describe the different nouns, and our senses.

As we carried on reading, we discovered what had happened to the brother and we were not happy! We did some more sculpting and thought tapping, thinking about how the little girl would have felt when she saw that her brother had been turned to stone. We then made predictions about what we though was going to happen at the end of the story. Next week we are going to be retelling the story in our own words!

We have been enjoying learning all about division this week! We started by practically solving calculations using equipment to help us, then moved on to drawing and finally learnt how to solve some mentally! We also have applied our learning to real life problems. 

Wellbeing Week!

Some of us are enjoying Sensory Circuits!
