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Spring Term



Thank you for you feedback from class councils, here are the suggestions we are going to talk to Miss Brear about;


Is it possible to have House Captains deputies in the event of absences?


Are we going to have Young Ambassadors again?


Is it possible to have some more red dinner bands?


Next school council meeting will be at 2.30pm on 20th April 2018, after the holiday.

We hope you have a lovely Easter break.




Thank you for all your feedback from class councils, these are the suggestions we are going to ask Miss Brear about;


The Library computer is very slow and you wondered if we could speed it up.

KS1 toilets near the packed lunch are smelly.

Ideas for outside, grips for monkey bars, outside screen to display dance and fitness moves and separate girls football and basketball as the boys can be rough.

Is it possible to have coats racks outside?

We would like some more movies nights please.



Thank you for all your feedback from Class Councils. These are the items that we will be talking to Miss Brear about.


  • Can you talk to Kingswood on our behalf as we have noticed that the knives are often wet.
  • Will the missing basketball hoop be replaced? Can we have a score board?
  • We have some ideas for outdoors; outside clock, more hula hoops and space hoppers.
  • Is it possible to have recycling bins for our class paper?

Welcome back to school. We hope you have had a lovely Christmas break.


Just to remind everyone that our next meeting will be on Friday 19th January in the dining hall.
