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Spring 1 - Towers, Tunnels and Turrets!


Our topic this half term is 'Towers, Tunnels and Turrets'. We are going to be learning about castles and their features, both local and national castles, and will be looking at how ways of life in the past are different to the present. We will also be learning all about the royal family and the connection to our school name! We will also be learning about Princess Diana, her home, her life and comparing some different royal weddings. In English we will be writing non-chronological reports about castles, will be writing setting descriptions and doing story writing based on the story' The Tunnel' written by Anthony Browne. 

This week we have been learning about the famous artist Paul Klee. His style of artwork was cubism, which mean he used lots of geometric shapes in his work. We have taken inspiration from his artwork 'Castle and Sun' and created our own in his style. 

The first picture below is Paul Klee's and the rest are our. How do you think we did?!

In Science we have been investigating which material ball would be the best for a projectile! We planned our investigation and made predictions on which one we thought would be the best, based on the materials properties. Here are some pictures of us carrying out our investigation.


We have started reading 'The Tunnel' by Anthony Browne and are loving it! We have read up to the point where the little girl goes into the tunnel. We have spent a lot of time thinking about her thoughts and feelings and predicting what we think she will do next. Here are some pictures of us sculpting and thought tapping when she crawls through.

This week we have carried on reading 'The Tunnel' and have found out more information...




The little girl followed her brother into the tunnel!

At the other end she came to this forest. 



Here is some of the writing we have been doing to describe this setting.

This week we have been reading even more of 'The Tunnel' and after doing some predictions of our own, Miss Rowley FINALLY read us the ending!

This is how excited we were!!


Still image for this video



We found that when the little girl got to the other side her brother had been turned to stone!

We did some sculpting and though tapping to help us understand and explain how the little girl might be feeling and what she might be thinking. 

Thank goodness, in the end of the story the little boy turned back to life!

Keep an eye on this page as next week we are going to be retelling the story in our own words!

On Friday we had an amazing time at Salcey Forest!

We pretended that we were lost in a forest and had to escape. We built dens and made rafts. Here are some photos from our fun morning!
