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Summer Term 2



Thank you for your feedback from Class Councils this I what we will be asking Mr Rapps.


  • Can you ask Pete to ask someone to come in and look at the tap in year 1 Hazel as it is running hot rather than cold water. We are also concerned that the corridors in the new building upstairs smell of sewage.
  • Can you as Tracy to check that the soap in the toilets are re filled every day as there is often no soap to wash our hands with.
  • Children are very happy with the new marking on the playground. J Could we also have snakes and ladders painted onto the playground as well?
  • We have noticed that parents are smoking and swearing again on the school premises. Would we be able to write a letter to parents from the School Council about this?
  • We are concerned that the first aiders at lunchtimes are not filling in the first aid slip correctly. They should be putting what our injury was but instead are writing what has happed. e.g. slapped in the face.
  • KS1 and KS2 are getting the same amount of food and KS2 do not feel that they are getting enough food for their age. The leftover food is also being thrown away and children are being asked to hurry up and finish their dinners. Dinner ladies are also eating the dinners in front of the children.