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Art and Music at ES

We are looking to further extend our provision for the Arts this year, to provide as many opportunities as we can for the children to enjoy.

We will be working with local artist, Carole Miles, who will be visiting all classes across the school to lead art projects linked to topics.  Carole will also be supporting with assisting our teaching staff in developing their skills and providing additional extra-curricular opportunities for some of our talented young artists.

Additional to the music provision we have had in place, we are also extending individual tuition opportunities for children to learn a string or woodwind instrument and will also be offering piano lessons later in the year.  All lessons are subsidised, with the aim being to ensure that any child who shows an interest, is able to access.

Finally, Mr Spinner, from NMPAT, will be launching our new school orchestra this year, to enable our individual musicians to come together and work on performance pieces. 

If you have any queries about any of the above, please speak to Miss Sutton.
