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Term 5

Our exciting new topic for this term is Tomorrow World! We will be exploring the history of computing – How was it developed? Who was involved in the development of the computer? They will be looking at the different genres of blogs, newspapers, letters, and narrative writing where they y will explore the different textual and grammatical features of these texts and then create their own. In maths the children will be developing the logical thinking, systematic thinking and organisation of their maths work.


A touching story in which fantasy and reality merge to make dreams come true. How determining can reality be, and how can fantasy unleash an unexpected freedom? Can a fragile world of lights and shadows show us more than a silhouette drawn against the sunlight?

The children will explore the role of symbolism in their writing.

Road's End- A Short by Bri Meyer - this the film we will be exploring this week in English.

Road's End is my thesis film completed at Ringling College of Art + Design. I was responsible for all areas of the film, including the development of the story, design and creation of all assets, animation, lighting, and compositing. Thanks for watching!

The History of Computers

We will be exploring the History of computers . This video will give you some information.
