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Autumn Term 2



Thank you for your feedback from Class Councils. We will be talking to Mr Rapps about what you said.


  • Feedback with ideas instead of lollies- Jelly, yoghurt, fruit, juice boxes & smoothies.
  • Can we have more hoola hoops?
  • Can we have lines painted back on the playground again?
  • The cold taps in KS2 are hot.
  • Are children allowed to dye the tips of their hair?
  • Can you ask Pete to make sure that there is always hand towel and soap in the toilets?


We will also be asking you in class councils to vote for our school charity.



Thank you for all your feedback from Class Councils. This is what we are going to talk to Mr Rapps about this week.


  1. Mrs Lanes room is very full at lunchtime. Can it be more organised with a rota of which classes can go in.
  2. There is lots of litter in our playground again. Can we have litter buddies set up again?
  3. We have noticed parents smoking and swearing in our playground. Can you mention this in the Monday news for us?