Wellbeing Ambassadors
Every child needs someone to talk to. But not everyone has someone. Wellbeing Ambassadors offer vital peer-to-peer support for children. The Wellbeing Ambassadors don’t replace adult-led intervention or support. However, they do help reduce some of the lower-level issues caused by a lack of positive relationships and interactions amongst peers or by a lack of personal resources for wellbeing that children can learn and share.
Meet our Wellbeing Warriors
They all have lots of plans and ideas of how to support Mental Health and Wellbeing across the school.
Wellbeing Warrior Meeting January 2025
During this term's meeting, we made our very own Photo Board to celebrate 'Children's Mental Health Week'. The children picked which quotes they would like on it and how they would like to decorate it. They are looking forward to sharing it with the rest of the school during 'Wear what makes you Happy Day' next week.
Once they had finished designing the board we then put our 10 Ways to Wellbeing up on display around the school.
Wellbeing Warrior Meeting December 2024
During this terms meeting, our Wellbeing Warriors designed 'Earl Spencer's 10 ways to wellbeing.
They thought about different things our pupils and staff could do to help improve their Wellbeing, help them feel more positive and help them be ready to learn. They came up with some fantastic ideas.
The 10 Ways to Wellbeing will be displayed around school and in classes. Keep a look out for reminders around the school of different ways for you to try!